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Where are you located?StillPoint Wholistic Therapy is located within the Meadowlark Place Professional Centre, at 8708 155 Street in Edmonton. The main entrance is located on the East side of the building, facing 155 Street. When you enter these doors, you will want to head downstairs to the basement level, either using the stairway or the elevator located to your left. Once downstairs, continue straight until you see the long hallway on your right. The entrance to our space is the last door on the right at the end of this hallway - unit GL03. Please have a seat when you arrive, and we will be with you shortly.
Where do I park?Free parking is available within the large parking lot located to the north of the building, as well as along 155 street.
What is CranioSacral Therapy? How does it work?CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, yet extremely powerful form of treatment. The human body has a powerful inherent healing ability which can be weakened or depleted by injury, disease, trauma and stress. CST enhances this natural healing ability, restoring health and integration of body, mind and spirit. It can support and enhance health in any circumstances - from newborn babies to the elderly; from injury, illness, severe trauma, and the many stresses and strains of life. And it can do so both physically and emotionally. It is described by many clients as a profound and often transformative process. A CranioSacral treatment involves a very gentle touch of the practitioner’s hands. This light contact may be made with the Cranium (head), the Sacrum (just above the tailbone), the feet, the trunk, or any other part of the body as appropriate.
What can I expect during an Adult CranioSacral Therapy Treatment?When you arrive for your appointment, you will first meet with your Therapist to discuss how you are feeling, your goals for the session, as well as any particular areas of concern. We provide a quiet, peaceful environment for you to rest and relax in. You will stay fully clothed for your treatment, and we will help you get comfortable on our treatment tables. For some people, this means laying on your back looking up at the ceiling, and for others, this could mean laying on your side, supported by pillows, or sitting in a reclined position, supported by our tables that adjust to a seated position. This varies for each person, and we will always adjust as necessary to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe. Once your treatment is complete, we will check in to see how you are feeling. Everyone's body responds differently to treatment - some people feel fresh and energized immediately following an appointment, while others may feel a bit heavy and fatigued, not noticing improvement until a day or so after. We discuss any recommendations for homecare and recommendations for ongoing treatment, and you're on your way!
What can I expect during an Infant/Child CranioSacral Therapy Treatment?An infant/child treatment will begin in the same way as an adult treatment, with discussion of how you and your child are feeling, goals for the session, and any areas of concern. The comfort and safety of families are a high priority, so Rhonda will show the parent(s) what CST feels like by placing a hand on the chest and the upper back. Once the parent(s) feel comfortable, the treatment begins. A half hour appointment is typically enough time for a baby or child. Our space provides a quiet, peaceful environment for you and your child. There are toys, books, weighted animal-shaped pillows and fidgets for the comfort of you & your child. There can be quiet music or silence, depending on what is needed. Your child will stay fully clothed, either on our treatment tables or on the play carpet on the floor. Babies and toddlers may be hungry during a treatment & can nurse, drink a bottle or have snacks as needed. Toddlers are often energetic and can move around the room during treatment. Particularly with newborns, there will often be some time with the parent & baby sitting or lying down together on the treatment table, supported by our tables that adjust to a seated position. This varies for each child and caregiver and we will always adjust as necessary to ensure that you feel comfortable and safe. In addition to bodywork, these treatments will often include Rhonda sanitizing their hands and wearing gloves to treat inside your child’s mouth, particularly if there are latch, swallowing, or speech challenges. Babies may sleep throughout the appointment or be awake and calm. In some cases, a baby will cry at various times during the treatment. Babies don’t have words to communicate with so they will use their voice to express themselves. If the caregiver is concerned about this, the treatment can be stopped so we can talk about what is happening and find the best approach to ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe. Throughout the treatment, Rhonda will check in to see how you and your child are feeling. Every body responds differently to treatment. Most children will sleep very well after a treatment, and may be extra thirsty after an appointment. Rhonda will discuss any recommendations for homecare and ongoing treatment, as well as what to look for after a treatment.
What can I expect during a Family CranioSacral Therapy Treatment?A family treatment will start out in the same way as an adult or infant/child treatment. A family appointment can be 60, 90 or 120 minutes, depending on the needs of your family. Family treatments vary a lot, depending on which members of the family need support that day. Some families prefer to have each person have their own time for treatment, while other families prefer treatment to be more fluid with more than one person getting treated at the same time. However the treatment progresses, the beauty of CST is that even those who choose not to get hands-on treatment still benefit from being with their family during the treatment time and often feel more relaxed and connected to their family afterwards.
Can I get a massage and CranioSacral Therapy on the same day?Massage and CranioSacral Therapy complement each other very well, and allow your Therapist to address what is going on in your body at many different levels. Cara is happy to combine these two modalities during your appointment, to best address your needs.
What level of undress is required for a Massage Therapy treatment?This is completely up to you, as your comfort and safety are our top priority. Some people are comfortable being completely unclothed, knowing that they will be draped properly at all times during their treatment, only exposing the body part that is being treated. Others choose to leave their undergarments on. If you are not comfortable with removing clothing from a specific area, please let your Therapist know. We will work within what you are comfortable with to give you the best treatment possible.
What is your cancellation policy? What if I’m not well? What if I’m late for my appointment?In the case that you are not able to attend your appointment, please provide a minimum of 24 hours notice by either cancelling your appointment through your profile in our online booking system, or by reaching out to your Therapist by email, text, or phone call. Every effort is made to fill your appointment. If your appointment is cancelled less than 24 hours beforehand, and we are unable to fill it, full payment will be required. If you are ill, or beginning to feel ill, please cancel your appointment as soon as possible. If you arrive at your appointment, and you are not well, we reserve the right to cancel or reschedule your appointment for another time. Thank you for helping us keep our space a safe place for everyone. If you arrive late for your appointment, your appointment will still finish at the time that it was originally scheduled to end.
Are you registered? Do you direct bill?Rhonda and Cara are registered with the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada. We do provide direct billing to most insurance companies. Should direct billing not be available, all receipts are fully claimable to your insurance company.
How can I pay?We accept debit, credit card, and e-transfer. If you choose to pay with e-transfer, please set up as a Payee prior to coming for your appointment.

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